Thursday, August 30, 2012

Paths to a Healthy Heart - NataliaPH

Hello Everyone:)

I?stumbled?upon this great article written by Annie B. Bond ( Annie is a renowned expert in non-toxic and green living. Named one of the top 20 environmental leaders by Body and Soul Magazine, Annie has authored four books, including ?Home Enlightenment? (Rodale Press, 2005) and ?Better Basics for the Home? (Three Rivers Press, 1999),?and I must share it with you:) It comes from care2.comheart center, Soul, Heart Meditation, Heart Day, Healthy Heart, Healthy Body, Enlightenment, Conscious Living

?In 1963, Congress declared February ?American Heart Month.? At Care2, we like to pay special attention to the heart, both hearts: The heart of the body and the heart of the soul. We thought this would be the perfect time to wear our heart on our sleeves and share with you the paths to a healthy heart, by way of mind, body and spirit.

With best-selling author Deepak Chopra

Meditate on the Heart
Love and spirit are forming a
connection every time you meditate
on the heart, starting with the
first time. The language of spirit
comes to us as silent assurance,
self-acceptance, patience, an
appreciation of simply being.


Love from the Heart
The wisdom traditions of the world, both East and West, tell us that love, in its essence, is the force of spirit, that all love ultimately is the play of the divine.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Love

From Natural Solutions Magazine and Care2 Green Living

Seven New Health Heart Tests
To determine your heart health, you have to look at more than just cholesterol. A host of new tests measure inflammation and blood fats (lipids) to provide more specific information about your cardiovascular fitness and the level of risk you face from heart disease.
Test yourself

Three Simple Changes for Your Heart
It?s as easy as one, two, three!

Get started

Vitamins: Get Extra Help for Your Heart
Many of us take vitamins for a number of reasons, but did you know that vitamins can provide a great boost to the health of your heart?

Boost it

Eating for Heart Health Quiz?
Good food, happy heart; bad food, grumpy heart. It?s easy to eat for heart health, every meal, every day. By adding certain foods, herbs and spices to your diet, you can establish a strong foundation for a healthy heart.Eat it

Bodywork For Your Heart
The heart is a muscle which needs exercise to stay in shape, just like any other muscle. When you exercise regularly, you can actually help prevent heart disease by lowering risk factors such as high blood pressure and blood cholesterol. Plus, exercise boosts heart energy!

Work it

Is Stress Hurting Your Heart??
Studies show that stress affects heart health. But what can you do about it? There actually is good stress, and bad stress, and you can learn to recognize the difference and manage stress, specifically for heart health.

Don?t stress it

Stress Busters for Your Heart
Treating your heart with respect can be as simple as lessening the burden of stress. You may not be able to eliminate the stressors in your life, but by following these seven stress-busting practices, you can lessen the havoc that stress wreaks on your heart.

Bust it

from The Chopra Center Cookbook

Combing modern nutritional science and Ayurveda?the most ancient healing system on the planet,?The Chopra Center Cookbook?features low-fat recipes that take the guesswork out of choosing food that is good for your body. By feeding yourself with vibrant, natural food, you can promote great heart health, as well as some soul-warming satisfaction.

Rainbow Risotto
Pigments in fruits and vegetables contain phytochemicals and antioxidants?things that make the heart oh so happy by regulating cholesterol and fighting inflammation. Eating an array of colorful natural food also helps to inhibit cancer and protect brain cells. Here?s a great recipe to incorporate a rainbow into your dinner.

Taste the rainbow

Sweet Potato Ginger Soup
This soup?s spirited bright color is the first sign of its heart-healthy nutrients. Add to that its low fat content and its sweet and savory scrumptiousness, and you?ll be making more than just your heart happy.

Savor it

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